Monday, August 8, 2022

The Words of the Goddess 4: Synchronicity

I am plowing ahead this morning with my Goddess words, even though I have been uncharacteristically depressed. The root of it is potential changes to my living situation and, ultimately, not having a permanent home...this chronic uncertainty was easier at 46 and 56 than at 66, that's for sure! But I look at all the people being uprooted all over our country and our world, and know I have been unbelievably fortunate given how I couldn't embrace the way our system works. Plus, presenting this list is not just about trying to portray a future more Goddess-friendly world; it puts the spotlight on qualities that we may arguably need right now in order to get through the changes we are already experiencing. Finding some way to matter helps me when I get down.

So...synchronicity. "Meaningful coincidences" and the ability to notice and act on them. And I'd add several other terms here: intuition, inspiration, epiphanies, spontaneity, being able to make quick life changes, and to understand immediately and on a deep level what you are seeing in front of you. These "right brain" Goddess terms and skills are, in ways, the complete opposite of what most of us learned in school, from parents, and in the work world. It is the idea of immediate enlightenment rather than step-by-step building block learning or progress. It is the idea of trusting your own gut reactions and inner knowing as much as or over what you hear in the media. It is the idea of noticing signs and energies -- and trusting what your mind and body are telling you. It isn't so much anti-scientific or academic, as it is giving oneself permission to expand one's palette of ways of knowing. A really healthy person or world can undoubtedly make lists and write reports at the appropriate time, and yet be open to acting on "aha moments" and joyful coincidences a few minutes later.

My life offers a few illustrations. Back in the prehistoric era of 1979 (!), I wrote away to a dozen or so British universities for catalogues, wanting to spend a year studying for a master's degree. The first few that arrived air mail didn't grab me, but when I received the booklet from Royal Holloway College, I knew before even turning the first page it that I had found the right program. It was as if lightning was striking, but also as if I remembered my future and knew. Interestingly enough, the purely academic aspect of the year would not be as compelling as what might be called the right brain aspects: daily singing, friendships, getting to know a country I love, lots of magical experiences and delight. Another illustration: when I was driving around the US in 1990 (having sadly given up on making my way to England permanently, and decided to get to know my own country), I was really open to finding a new home outside the Northeast. As I drove west, it seemed like everywhere I went I saw Minnesota license plates. At first, I pooh-poohed it, but it kept happening, and when I finally arrived in Minnesota, a further synchronicity/chance meeting led me up to Duluth. This wasn't a researched, logical way of creating a future, but to this day, I think I was led by the Goddess for a reason to this unlikely, beautiful, growth-filled place. To use Quaker terminology, way opened, and has done a few times.

In 2022 and beyond, we may need to rely increasingly on noticing synchronicities, and trusting our sudden moments of clarity about inner and outer conditions. In areas of wildfire danger or floods, ignoring a sudden urge to pack up the family and go could cost our lives. The trick will be to try always, always, to act from love, not fear. To follow the path of life, not try to escape death.

On a completely different topic, my very limited garden yielded two treasures this weekend. I don't have much basil, but I was able to pick some before the plants bolt. I made what ended up being about a half-cup of pesto, and it was delicious! And my few flowers are all red and orange, and for over a month, I have watched for hummingbirds to no avail -- up until now! Yesterday, a magical green, shimmering bird found some nectar. Thank you, thank you, thank you.