Friday, May 26, 2023

Things Speaking for Themselves

I let a milestone slip by unnoticed. My last post ("Mother, May I?") was my 750th. Wow. "Who would have thunk?"

Those of you who have read regularly over these last eight years know that my favorite Latin expression is "res ipse loquitur", or "the thing speaks for itself". And I think just about everything happening on the world stage right now "speaks for itself". If you scratch under the surface of things that seem to be economic events, or political events, or military events, or societal events, or public health events, they really are, at their hearts, spiritual events. What do people believe? What is their world view? Do they accept a duality/conflict-based view of events? If so, why?

Being really far out of the mainstream in my sixties, is, in a way, a blessing. I wasn't a "fighter" earlier in life, although I guess you could say I've "fought" to survive. Now I am tired. Conflict is completely out of the question. The energetic nature of our modern construct is too solid for me to significantly change, fight or fix; all I feel capable of in this final third of my life is to glow with the light of the divine feminine, and hope that occasional people here and there see that light. On this Memorial Day weekend (one that seems likely to be unusually warm and dry here in Northern Minnesota), I will focus on a few indoor and outdoor spring cleaning chores, perhaps I'll get a few walks in or see friends, and I'll cook and eat as healthily as I can. I'll focus on the actions that come closest to passing the "Mother, May I?" test. Where I live, even the lawn mower is hand it shouldn't be too hard. And with all the travel other people are doing, even the act of staying put seems noteworthy, almost radical; rooted, and aligned with Mother Earth.

The key is to stay reasonably calm in the midst of the frenzied swirl of news. May you, too, find a bit of inner calm. If we, too, "speak for ourselves", our evident inner and outer peace may inspire those around us.