Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Energetic Mismatch

On this steamy summer day (just about our second or third this year!), despite heavy smoke from Canada and eerie yellow skies, I have been busy. I've taken a dog for a walk, mowed the lawn, repotted some plants, and washed the dirt and sweat off my hands. 

There is so much to talk about right now, and I am getting seriously behind. Yet it's summer, and my poor readers need a break and so, I suppose, do I. The world isn't giving us one, but I'll try to keep this short.

I am "this close" to having the presumption of saying I speak for the Goddess. But I cannot quite go there yet. So I will speak for that little facet of Her that I represent. Recently, watching TV ads has been a heck of a lot more enlightening than watching the shows themselves, and what I am seeing is a world that (thanks to the dreaded AI) I am feeling more and more alienated from. Speaking for myself, I am not impressed with cars that park or drive themselves. I don't go, "Wow, cool!" at the thought of grocery shelves restocking themselves, or the thought of making huge purchases (like cars and appliances) online without seeing the items I am buying. I don't think it's funny or neat when companies present themselves as a force more powerful than Mother Nature, or when children are being drawn ever-earlier into this artificial world. Most of this is about human ego; most of this is not about love.

Oh, folks, we are heading into an energetic mismatch of monumental proportions. The waves of love entering our world literally don't "register" much of what humans are creating, just as much of what we are creating doesn't "register" (or reflect) love. Love will be the one and only path through the years to come; in the midst of the heat, find something to love, genuinely love. Each person will have to do this for themselves, if they can. We cannot hand the job over to someone else.