Tuesday, December 5, 2023

'Tis the season

Well, this is going to be a rather hard week/season for being "jolly", that's for sure. Putting aside a personal loss, with two wars, and a climate conference that seems anything but apt, looking out at the "manmade" world is excruciatingly hard right now. There's little that I could say that others haven't done already.

I've started getting repetitive (and if that becomes too true, it may be time to stop writing!), but I'll say it again. The catastrophes we face aren't of the present or in the future. They began many centuries ago, as cultures all over the world chose not to actively honor the feminine face of the divine, humanity's women, and our Earth home. "We" chose conflict (with other humans and the earth) over love. It is as simple as that. The thing that at least keeps me afloat (but not jolly) is knowing that as a higher level of love enters our world, which I think has definitely started, all endeavors that are unloving, or detrimental to women, the earth, or the Great Mother, will simply falter and collapse. We don't have to fight anything, anymore. Love per se will prove stronger than any other force, and we will see "proof" of this (if we needed it) in front of our very eyes.

On a personal note, this year has been a watershed in one new way. I had gradually become less and less enamored of Christmas music over the years, although even last year I could take my brain out of the equation and tolerate, even enjoy, some of the music as presented on public radio. This year? No. I guess "it" is over for me. If I hear one more reference to celebrating a boy king, or a savior of the world, or animals, angels and magi bowing down in worship, I think I'll throw the radio through the window. If I celebrate any births this season, it is any and all girl and boy babies born anywhere. We are all of the divine. They are all of the divine. May they live up to their potential to serve a world in pain. May they bring beauty and love to the world. May these new babies come into the world already understanding that "love is all there is". May they help us transition to a completely new kind of reality.

I guess 'tis the season for things turned upside down.