Friday, June 21, 2024

Under a Full Moon

Everything has become so heated, from the environment to personal and societal interactions, to international ones. I sometimes wish I had studied astrology, and could understand everything that is happening from that vantage point. But I never did, and just have to trust what I am feeling in my own body, plus the clarity of the full moon.

While this part of the world remains somewhat cool, we have been experiencing another form of climate chaos -- torrential rains. There is a great deal of flooding north of here, with roads and train tracks damaged, water systems out, and towns partially underwater. Duluth's steep avenues became raging rivers Tuesday night. We are expecting more heavy rain today and tomorrow, just in time for the annual marathon and its huge influx of visitors. Interesting. The point is, nowhere on earth will be "safe" from such weather a world that tries so hard to compartmentalize and isolate and blame, how hard it is to quietly recognize our oneness, our essential and unbreakable oneness, and just sit with it.

I am keeping an oracle card journal -- picking one card from one of my half dozen decks each morning in response to a question or intention. This morning, I said I wanted to stay inwardly calm in the midst of the world's chaos and upcoming personal changes, and picked a perfect card from the Motherpeace deck -- four of swords, with a woman sitting crosslegged in meditation in a pyramid-shaped tent. I try to imagine what our world would be like if, for lo these many centuries, times of stasis and quiet had punctuated mankind's hardscrabble forward momentum, if there had been an ebb-and-flow rhythm to history, not a constant surge forward. What if sharp instruments had never been used as weapons, only to hold tent corners in place? Perhaps we would not be in all the messes we are in...

Well, regret and speculation aren't helpful, or meditative. This weekend, may I pitch my metaphorical tent directly on Mother Earth, and be a small space of complete calm, under a full moon.