Monday, July 8, 2024

Goddess Words 30: Ease

It would be so tempting, even for me, to look out at the world and go on a complete tear, critiquing our human constructs which are currently such a (literally!) unholy mess. But Law of Attraction being what it is, I know that my passionate words would simply make the situation worse. In these times, the only path forward is to create a new, holier, calmer paradigm, and in this blog, the best way to do that is to add a new building block, a new Goddess word. 

"Ease" might seem to be a strange one for today, for me personally or for the world. And yet I think a Goddess-centered process and a Goddess-centered world would be a "place" of much more ease. When humankind, in effect, split off from alignment with the Goddess (and respect for the earth), I think we created literal and figurative "dis-ease": wars between people, boundaries between nations, illnesses within our own bodies, unhealthy changes to earth's lands and waters, etc. Of course, this created notions of "victory" and "success" and "salvation", which justified hard work, ever-harder conflicts and the need for ever-more strenuous labor and healing. All of us have been pressed hard to work harder. And somewhere on this planet, millions of people have lives of extreme toil and trauma, to make the lives of millions of other people "easier". But even for all our modern time-and-effort saving inventions, people's lives are still chaotic. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the ads where busy moms, miles from home, ask their eyeglasses or their watches whether they remembered to turn off the stove, or lock the front door. (And I also laugh to think of how completely insane this would have looked even twenty or thirty years ago!)

People might say, well, if the Goddess/Mother Nature herself is intensifying various kinds of weather events to try to balance out all of our human-created imbalances, how is she making our lives easier? People deprived of homes, livelihoods, belongings are having to start from scratch...hardly an easy process. For today, I guess my response to that is that "ease" and "easy" aren't necessarily the same thing. Thousands of years ago, if we had remained aligned with the sovereignty of Nature, our habitation of Earth would have been light, flexible, and respectful of the validity of natural events. We would have moved to safer ground when we could, and not feared death if we couldn't. We would have retained an intuitive understanding of which forms of progress were good for the earth and which were not. Even now, we could choose to look at the "damage and destruction" due to storms less in those terms, and more as Nature painting a new picture, a different picture. We could choose to accept that we don't quite know where this new paradigm is headed, and thus we might radically simplify our lives for the moment until we do understand.

On a personal level, in the old paradigm, I would be scrambling right now. Doing research, making applications, fretting big-time about what my life should be like starting in the fall. But I feel completely at ease, and will try to stay in that place. One of my early influences was Florence Scovel Shinn, and one of her affirmations was, "my ships come in over a calm sea, under grace in perfect ways." It's all about trying to stay in a calm and ease-filled inner place, no matter what the apparent outer chaos. It's about acting from a place of inner ease and calm, not reacting. It's about releasing panic and fear and distaste, and gravitating toward a path that feels loving, joyful and peaceful. Hard, hard, hard, after how we have all been trained, but I truly think it is the "easeway" of the Goddess.