Thursday, July 25, 2024

One in Every Crowd

In so many situations, I've been that "one in every crowd" -- the one who brings up an uncomfortable moral or ethical issue, or stands up for myself or another, or for the environment. Most of this has happened relatively quietly -- I haven't been an activist in crowds...for some reason that terrifies me, and feels too confrontational. But whether one-on-one or by letter or email, I have at times taken difficult or unpopular positions and been firmly rejected.

I've been thinking a lot about the environmental crisis facing us.The crisis arguably began generations ago, when we humans ceased to treat Mother Earth with genuine respect. Even now, it seems like we focus on the negative human experience of climate change and completely neglect the trauma we have routinely caused the natural world. A different route would have been for communities and societies to choose a wise person in their midst who would speak for Nature -- taking the environment into account, earlier societies might have found sustainable new inventions and procedures that would have extended Earth's viability. The primary (first consideration) thread of "earth's needs" would have become woven into the ongoing fabric of our human experience and human progress.

We didn't go that route. At this late date, it may be impossible to change the way natural events are likely to unfold in upcoming years. Still, wouldn't it be neat if there were truly "one in every crowd"? -- a representative of Nature in every governing body at the international level, the national level, and at the local level. Ditto on every school board, on every church vestry, every corporate boardroom, every academic institution. This person's job would be to calmly present environmental concerns regarding proposed courses of action, inventions, new developments or plans.They would be tasked with gently articulating what "loving the Earth and all Earth's beings" would look like in the situation under discussion. These representatives would have to be made of strong stuff, and might be completely ignored. Staying calm and non-confrontational would be part of the job description! But whether ignored or listened to, at least the voice of the Earth would be heard a little more clearly and consistently -- in word form. It might help people realize that we are all part of Nature, and that She needs to be part of nearly every planning discussion moving forward.