Thursday, July 18, 2024

These Times

How are those of us aligned (or aligning) with the re-emerging divine feminine to navigate these times?

It would be very easy to go for a laugh and say, "Very carefully". But there isn't much to laugh about. So...

Find something to love today. Or someone. If (as has been the case with me) you feel lonely and cannot connect with people in the old way, connect with a pet, or a bird in the tree, or a rabbit in the yard.

Don't take the time to try to "forgive" certain people or situations -- simply bless them, accept that they are what they are, and move back to aligning with love.

It took a few weeks, but I'm finally finding a great deal of relief in getting rid of my old journals, where I poured out my journey's frustration and pain. Ditto books that focused on conflict, history, or life as a challenging struggle. It's sort of a case of feeling where your energy is, and if it isn't "there" anymore -- with whatever belongings -- gently (and with gratitude) release them. If they feel old, or dark, or irrelevant, they may well be, in these times.

Love is going to be the only viable path forward. Genuine, post-duality "love is all there is" love. To whatever small or large degree we are capable of feeling and expressing it, our core work is to keep breathing and keep loving.