Tuesday, October 27, 2015


This has been a hard week or two for my friends from the standpoint of health.  These dear ones, their kids and grandkids, and even their dogs and cats, have been getting really hard news from doctors.

This is one of those topics where I don’t quite know how to respond, except tearfully and from the heart.  My heart goes out, literally.  All I can do is send love.

For decades, I have rarely had medical insurance or medical care of any kind.  I definitely don’t recommend this…I suppose it’s a miracle on this level, as well as others, that I am still physically on this planet, although I once had a natural healer say that in fact I may be healthier because of having avoided modern intervention.  Who knows?  One never knows what would have happened on that other path.

But there is no question that our bodies take the brunt of whatever our journeys have been.  Absolutely every being on my mind right now has been living life to the fullest; working hard, learning hard, teaching hard, loving hard.  We’re all, even children and pets, on the cutting edge of what it is to be spiritual beings in a physical body, and all of us respond differently on this pilgrimage.  The many billions of us on this planet are processing “life” in our own unique ways, and no matter where we are on the health-disease spectrum, it’s all still a miracle.  We haven’t done anything wrong or right, we don’t have to change our habits (unless it thrills us to do it!) and we don’t have to hate ourselves for imperfection.

The way I’ve gotten through all these years is, at all times, to love my body, and to try not to fear her.  Just love her.  Yes, she’s “overweight” and yes, she’s imperfect and probably in some respects unhealthy.  But I just love her power, her ability to adjust to wildly changing circumstances, her deep insight (way down to the cellular level) and her audacity.  She and I have just stepped out and done it, no matter what, on a journey like no other.  And that’s what I celebrate with my friends and their friends and family – all of us have been out there, doing it.  Being human, learning life lessons, and moving forward at probably the most complex and complicated moment in human history.  If our bodies are scrambling to keep up, or even shutting down and saying, “hey, give me a break,” it’s kind of understandable, isn’t it? 

May all of us, when these circumstances arise, find the wisdom to know how to proceed, find the help we want, find the courage to keep breathing, and…heck…may this just be a better week for all!