Monday, March 14, 2016


At the folk concert I went to last week, the three singers joked about how hard it is to write happy songs...that most of the most successful songs seem to be about heartbreak, broken dreams, etc.  It's true, and it's hard to find a lot of good "happy" literature, film,'s equally hard to even appreciate the good when it comes into our lives, or to discuss it when it does without seeming unrealistic, or insensitive to others.

I don't have time to write today, but I thought of this after this morning's quick scan of the news, social media, etc., where there is so much to be heartbroken about.  It can be hard to really believe that the underpinning of the world is love.  And yet my inner barometer is telling me, improbably, that there is far, far more love in our world than we are being exposed to.  Is tragedy and heartbreak a habit that we can actually break? Can we exercise our "love" muscle, and actually make happy songs and positive news the norm?  I guess for today, I'll just put that query out there!