Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It's all music

Do some of you remember back to the 1960's, when in the middle of the night, you could turn on your transistor radio when it was clear outside, and scan the dial, and find radio stations from all over the place?  Whereas during the day, you might just get a few local stations, at night, the world was at your fingertips.  I remember in the summer at our cabin on Lake Champlain, sitting under the covers turning the little dial, and, remarkably, hearing stations from Long Island, the Midwest, Montreal, and occasionally I remember getting a European station.  It was like magic! 

I've been playing around a lot recently with the idea that everything is music, everything is its own radio station.  The geese flying north again, the wind in the trees, the plants starting to come through the cold ground, the background chatter and coffee grinder at the coffee shop, the political "discourse" (!), the kids running down the street laughing, even the color of the sunset and the smell of dinner cooking.  Somewhere, recently (and I'm sorry that I don't remember where!) a neat notion was proposed -- that the magnetic energy we are putting out to the Universe is the energy of that space right in front of our faces.  If we are smiling, bubbling with happiness and joy, laughing and energized, we will draw to us people and situations of the same quality.  If our faces are contorted with anger, frustration, pain, or fear, we will draw to ourselves more of the same.  Today, I'm just extending this a little to think of it as our personal radio station.  What music are we playing?  What kind of "listeners" will we draw to ourselves?  And what kinds of radio stations are we listening to? What possesses us sometimes to turn on stations with music we find dissonant, and then get upset that it is so dissonant, rather than change the channel?  I'm definitely finding that as it becomes easier to identify the music I like, those "stations" are coming in loud and clear and I'm just spending less time listening to music I don't like, which doesn't come in clearly anyway.  Hmm... Seems like a concept that it shouldn't have taken 60 years to figure out, but better late than never!

Have a great day everyone!