Monday, August 9, 2021


So how do we do it? If the Goddess is saying something to the world like, "I'll never ask you to fight", where do we start? How do we live a completely conflict-free life?

In the middle of the night, it hit me that one of the tragedies of the duality paradigm is the fact that we are trained to fight in almost every major human situation. Fighting against "enemies" or "evil" comes as no surprise, but the more subtle message all of us have internalized is that we need to fight for the things we love, often to protect them from harm. Parents understandably stand ready to fight for their children or grandchildren. People who love their country may choose to fight to protect it from an enemy. If a neighbor is oppressed or mistreated, we may wish to stand up with them to fight for their rights. We may fight to keep a job that helps us afford the house we love, or fight the cancer that the doctor has diagnosed, or fight to protect a local natural habitat. Suddenly it becomes confusing. Am I fighting for or against? Is fighting my only option? Will the fighting never end?

This is a transitional time. Superficially, there are enemies aplenty out there, maybe more than ever. I'm not saying that things are fine and dandy -- clearly, they are not. But it's about really using x-ray eyes to get beneath the surface of things and consider the possibility that, at its core, creation is one single, powerful stream of manifested love. Would a loving creator (whatever form that energy took) mold a second, destructive entity? I just have never been able to see the logic in that. Contrast, sure, but a polar opposite energy field forcing human beings into nonstop conflict? I just don't see it. 

It takes a leap in belief, at first simply trying to imagine "What if?" What if this earth were love-immersed and there was no room for so-called "evil" or the fight against it? Maybe for one day, a person could step away from the fighting. When that letter comes in the mail soliciting a donation on behalf of an "anti"-something organization, simply put it aside for 24 hours. When your child comes in crying because another child was cruel, envelop them in your arms and say, "I love you." Don't promise -- at least for today -- to fight back. If you read about a political group or organization opposed to your values and you start to feel yourself frothing at the mouth, set those feelings aside for a day. Just one day. If friends invite you to the latest movie thriller, say "no thanks" and stay home and read or watch something else. Or knit, or cook dinner from scratch, or walk in the nearby park, or observe the birds at the feeder.

This day might feel really strange. We are so used to constant struggle that it might feel pointless, or silly, or frustrating or inactive. It might feel anti-social or boring. And yet on such a day, a person's energy has not been drawn downward into conflict, it has been drawn upward into intentional personal and planetary healing. Even if a tiny percentage of the human population were to try this experiment tomorrow, only for one day, I think we might see or sense immediate changes for the good.