Friday, August 6, 2021

The First Thing

It looks like my life is going to go topsy-turvy again over the next month or so, but that stalwart presence within me that I identify with the Goddess is basically saying, "Keep Calm and Carry on Blogging". There is stuff that needs to be said now, while I am still in the kind of setting that is so conducive to meditative expression. And at a moment when perhaps a few people, in the dog days of August, might listen. At times, I may repeat some material from earlier blogs, but I just need to let that be, with apologies to regular readers. The spiral ever moving upwards, things may be phrased differently or in a different context than before.

So I've been trying to figure out, what is the most important thing to say first? And I guess it is this.

I believe we are entering the time in history when duality (the model we have all grown up with of good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and all the major opposing qualities) is transforming into a unified field. It probably was essentially unified all along, but because the early human experience involved so much struggle for survival, we got into the fearful habit of believing in the power of the "other". The sun vs. the moon, man vs. nature, this tribe vs. that tribe, etc. These divisions became codified, and unfortunately they underlie virtually all our institutions and assumptions. They are the cause of all our conflicts.

Our relationship with our earth home is a case in point. "She" was the "other", and could be used and abused with impunity, because we really weren't connected with her. We could dig into her, throw trash into her, foul her air and water, create unnatural products and substances -- thoughtlessly. And somehow, it would all be OK in the end, because we would invent something equally unnatural to fix the problem. If the last few years have shown us nothing else, it is that this paradigm has led to near disaster. Mother Nature is struggling to do the most important job she needs to do, which is to maintain the viability of life on earth. Our role in this crisis moment? To emerge from the hell of duality and quickly make the philosophical (and practical) leap into a consciousness of unity. We are all connected. We are all one with each other and the planet and every creation in the universe. There are no "battle lines" or sides that must be taken or wars for or against anything.

So, you might think, Liz, this seems like a strange time to embrace the Goddess. "Feminine vs. masculine" is just one more duality, right? Yes, it is. When we arrive at a more unified human construct, gendered concepts of the divine will have become outmoded...or we will at least embrace both facets of divinity. "Versus" will be replaced by "and". But we are not there yet. The masculine face of God has been in the ascendent for thousands of years, and as a woman, I have felt left out not only of spiritual institutions but of virtually every human endeavor. Forget about whether I have a roof over my head at any given has literally never seemed like "my world" or "my home" in any sense. So for my own healing, to understand and honor my own preferences, and to understand the crisis facing the earth -- so long seen as feminine -- I (perhaps temporarily!) choose to see the unified stream of life, love, beauty and power as feminine. And I can no longer just gaze at its beauty from the shore, or glide down the river of life in a boat looking for a harbor, I must dive into the stream and becoming one of its life-love-beauty-power water molecules. Embodying the qualities of the divine stream, each in our own unique way, is our primary job in this scary moment.