Monday, August 23, 2021

The Slide

Several times over the years, I've mentioned this phenomenon, which perhaps some of you have experienced. You reach some kind of new spiritual level, have a new epiphany about something in your life, or you finally understand something that has eluded you for decades. Then, wham, you slide down into depression or fear.

Last week, as I wrote about last time, I reached a new level in embracing my contemplative nature, and for about 24 hours, I was happy, contented, and completely at home with myself. It was lovely, lovely, lovely. Then the downward slide commenced. Every criticism I have ever received from anyone about being an artist, a musician, being too smart, or "thinking too much" appeared in my consciousness. All the hurtful, dismissive comments, and all the pain of trying to be me, alone in a world that values action and competitiveness over beauty, "beingness" and hit like one of those tsunamis I wrote about a few years ago. The takeaway? "Look where 'being you' has gotten you all these years. You barely have one item of clothing without holes in it. Where is 'being more you' likely to get you?!" Fortunately, a good meal reversed the slide. I mean, a delicious, unique, homemade, healthy food meal. Just the tiniest bit of nurturing revived me. 

And while I have surely followed the news about Afghanistan less closely than most Americans, it was impossible over the weekend not to deeply feel that situation's tragedy and hopelessness, adding to the bleak mood. Indeed, the further out into "post-duality"-land I seem to find myself, the more tragic and hopeless all our wars (military and otherwise) seem to become. It made me wonder if what I experience is happening globally. Perhaps there are lots more people than we realize reaching higher levels of consciousness and harmony. In response, the "old voices"/"old ways of being" are rising up, trying to push us communally down the slide and back into the swamp of fear and chaos, which is the only language they know, and the only power they know.

How to move upwards again? One person at a time. Allow ourselves to be nurtured. Feed a friend or Mother Earth. Notice something gorgeous in nature or art. Help someone. Swim in a lake or walk in the countryside. Read a good book, or sing a good song. Dance a little dance with the squirrels in the yard. Hug someone. Donate to an organization that is uplifting humanity. Write a poem. Notice the sunlight on the flowers in the garden.Try to imagine a world fixated on these beautiful things. Try to imagine a world where these kinds of experiences are the only "reality", because I believe that is where we are headed. Truly.