Saturday, August 14, 2021

Saturday Evensong

I wasn't originally going to post anything today, but I did want to mention that Lyra Davidica, the UK-based choir I sang with four years ago at Canterbury Cathedral, is in residence there this week. I would have "given anything" to sing with them again, but because it seemed doubtful in the extreme whether I could get there, I didn't want to make the commitment. Indeed, I don't think it was a sure thing for them until the last minute, because of all the COVID situation vagaries. 

Those of you who know me or my blog know that I am not one of the most enthusiastic proponents of computers or modern technology. (Anyone who can go for 15 months without getting on a computer is a dinosaur of the first order!)  But I have to say that watching Evensong live -- and even in this virtual way, being able to sing along with my peeps -- is nothing less than a miracle. It doesn't beat being there in person, and in fact it may make that ache even rawer. But all I have to do is go back as far as the 1990's to remember a time when such live virtual travel would have been inconceivable. Today, the choir sang one of my favorite services after anything Howells -- the Murrill in E. Or should I say, "We sang..." Perhaps in some way that even I cannot fathom, my voice was heard again at Canterbury.

Whatever your song is, sing it today. Boy, does the world ever need it.