Monday, March 11, 2024

Goddess Words 26: Bliss

I have chosen "Bliss" for today, even though I am not in that place. But it is an important feeling, and the word was near the top of my handwritten list.

So...a state of complete happiness and joy. Feeling like you are in "heaven", infused with light and love.

As with some of the other words already presented here, this is not an emotion that is likely to result from achieving something outside yourself. It is hard for me to imagine someone feeling a genuine state of bliss upon acquiring a new job, a fancy car, a new boyfriend, or the right living room set. I mean, our advertising and entertainment industries wouldn't agree with me (!) but it really is a spiritual state, not materially outcome-dependent. I feel bliss rather infrequently, and (as has happened recently) when I do touch that spiritual "pot of gold", I can be thrown back into a black hole from which I struggle to emerge. It is easy to understand why many people don't choose the mystic path!

But when I do feel bliss, it is something like this: a state of connectedness with all life everywhere (not just on Planet Earth). A state of calm. Paradoxically, a state of unlimited energy. A state of knowing what deep love for all life is, even if I'm aware that I'm not there yet. Synchronicity. The perfection of whatever is in front of me. Total power (not over others, just radiating love power), health, peace, harmony, understanding, self-acceptance, and acceptance of the state of the world. I don't seem to reach this place in meditation, per se, though others can. Being an Aquarian Goddess-centered left-brain "genius", it seems to happen when all sides of my complex being come into balance. It sort of clicks into place. And I am thankful that my higher self seems to recognize and celebrate the perfect moments when blocks to happiness fall away. Kind of a nudge, "This is bliss, Liz!"

In this transitional time, my hunch is that recognizing our experiences of true bliss (and yes, even trying to hold onto them a few extra minutes!) will be very important. This isn't something to put off until you experience "wedded bliss" or "die and go to heaven", and it isn't something to put off until the world is in a better state. Bliss (people's real experience of it, not just the word!) is one of the most important building blocks of the new paradigm, and the time to start living as if bliss is a regular part of our lives is now.