Thursday, March 7, 2024


Hi all. Another post about something that's been on my mind on and off, and that I've touched on before, but maybe I've spiraled up to a new place.

One of the disadvantages of having moved into fuller alignment with the Goddess and, it seems, into a place of more inner harmony, is that everything and anything about conflict becomes increasingly painful. Obviously, topics like war, use of weapons, hatred, and greed are easy: they are simply not of the Goddess, and it's time to move on. But it's the subtler conflicts that I'm becoming more and more aware of and sensitive to.

High on that list is organizations/people/educational syllabi/events that are "anti" this, or "against" that. Forced to choose sides, of course (as you might expect) I am anti-war/gun violence/bias/global warming/cancer, etc. But it becomes problematical when people name their associations or movements accordingly. I think Abraham Hicks is right. This is a yes-based universe, and if "war" figures in your title, you are potentially drawing to you (and the world) more war, particularly the more passionately anti-war you are. Prominently "referencing" the thing you don't want comes perilously close to "reverencing" it. We've all done it (I won't even go into all the ways I still do this in my personal life!) We humans have been taught to fight and eradicate the things we don't like, and it has felt more powerful to take a stand against things than for things.

But we have entered a new age. If conflict worked in the past, I simply don't think it will work as well moving forward. The most powerful thing of all will be simply aligning -- inwardly and outwardly -- with the qualities we most want for the world; love, beauty, community, a healthy environment, and good physical, personal health. Eventually, more and more people will be sensitive to this idea, and gravitate toward naming organizations and movements "for" positive values. It won't be as sexy, and it may not initially draw in as many people, but it will be a start. Basically, the litmus test may be, do I want the name of "what I do not want" staring me in the face every morning on my letterhead or website?