Monday, March 25, 2024

Goddess Words 27: Shaping

One of the more surprising words in my old handwritten list of Goddess words is "Shaping". Surprising, in the sense that it's not a word I have said very often, or think about. 

These days, when I think about shaping, I think of potters at a wheel, shaping the wet clay by hand. Although I never took up this kind of artistic expression, it seems like the best metaphor for a creator/creatrix. Particularly for the Goddess. That she has shaped everything in the natural world (including us) literally by hand, lovingly, deliberately. We are the shape we are, on purpose. 

And I think She is definitely re-shaping all life at this time. Our human mode of creation has been less thoughtful, deliberate, and loving, and things are out of whack. Landscapes we thought we knew will be re-shaped in coming years, things we thought we could count on will take on new shapes, as a divine hand presses in to heal and, in some cases, start certain processes all over from scratch.

More on this another day. After months of drought, we are having heavy snow and ice, and expect it for another day or two. From the sound of it, optimistic neighbors had taken off their snow tires, but overall, with school closed and the side streets not yet plowed, it is silent outside. I'll have to get out soon to help shovel! That is spring in the northland, a season when, as always, the Goddess does what she needs to do.

Speaking of that, I spoke last time of a big step, and this is what it is. I'm having some cards made up, where I clearly state that I am a Goddess-centered mystic and visionary. A few years ago, I had some commercial ones made that said "mystic", but it was right before COVID, and I never had any reason to use them. Now, I am shaping and defining myself much more clearly. I still don't know whether I'll use ten of them or a hundred in upcoming months, but in a way, it doesn't matter. What matters is finally allowing my true shape to find expression.

If it is blizzarding where you are, stay safe!