Monday, March 4, 2024

The Moon

This has continued to be a challenging time, as I try to further clarify my post-68 goals (boy, that sounds a little too left brain!) while staying true to (and increasing) my dedication to the values of the divine feminine. There is a lot I could talk about, but since the lander succeeded in reaching the moon's surface about ten days ago, I've had something on my mind.

With respect to generations of scientists, in this country and overseas, I have a question. Has anyone in this milieu asked this question: Does the Moon herself wish to be studied/landed on/explored/colonized/or used as the base for further space exploration? Does she wish to have human trash left on her, or to be dug into, or put under a microscope? Does she share any of "our" goals? Or can she do her job a whole lot better without most of our intervention? And what will happen here on earth if we fiddle around too much with the moon?

It just kind of horrifies me that we've never adequately treated Earth with respect, and without fully addressing how that came about and what we are facing here now, we seem to think that the solution is to move out into space and potentially make the same mistakes.

I don't see much news about what is happening with this current project, except that the lander tipped over. That certainly is the moment, I don't read much more into it than that perhaps we are being given more time in which to reconsider our vision and goals. Protection/preservation of earth and the moon could be at the top of our list, if we made that choice.