Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Goddess Words 28: Piercing

It is interesting that I included this word in my original handwritten list. This morning, it seemed to catch my eye as being rather too violent for the qualities I associate with the Goddess. When people (or things) are pierced, it's usually through a protective layer, skin, eardrum, a tree's bark, a layer of soil...most human weapons pierce in some form, and the intention of that action is most often hatred or fear. 

Even the usage I suspect I was thinking about all those years ago -- something like those old-fashioned paintings of female saints being pierced through the heart by the love of God -- is too potentially painful for me now. It is my impression that the Goddess really doesn't work that way., does this word still belong on my list? If so, this is energetically how I would see it today: If love is really the only true energy that exists (and everything else is just human blockage of the power of love), the way that love reaches our inner core is through the pathways that we open up. From my earliest years, I built up substantial walls to protect myself, emotionally, and it has only been one-brick-at-a-time that I have started to dismantle these walls. And whether I knew it or not, I have been inviting love in. As our walls come down, Love comes in. It cannot help seeking out more places to "be love". So if love finally reaches our hearts, it isn't violence from without or piercing in an old-fashioned sense, so much as our withdrawal of resistance. We finally start letting love in, and it surges, as the water does when the dam breaks down. At first this may "hurt" somewhat as we get used to new shapes and life energies, but if what we are experiencing is genuinely love, that is our natural state and we will acclimate. 

Definitely a word to keep mulling over, however...for the person I am today, it still "feels" a little too sharp.