Thursday, September 5, 2024

Goddess Words 32: Heavenly

It's time for another Goddess word. In ways, I am struggling to stay in a "heavenly" place myself, so this writing may help with alignment. 

Many of us have a stereotypical image of heaven -- puffy white clouds, bright light, with angels in white robes, playing harps and singing to God, who is high on his magnificent throne. People dream of "dying and going to heaven", of leaving an evil earth plane and spending eternity in a distant place "up there", a place of perfection.

This, of course, is a duality construct -- that there is a "good place" and a "bad place", and that you may need to fight or die to reach your true celestial home. I've always found this to be a really strange concept.

Perhaps it is because in my vision, a post-duality Goddess construct is inherently "heavenly", even on earth. There is virtually no conflict, so there is definitely no war. All beings are welcomed, housed and fed. There is no money, and no arbitrary decisions are made about what (and who) is of value and who is not. So there are no ultra-rich and ultra-poor. We would have cherished our earth home all along, so we would not, now, be facing climate chaos. Earth would always have been seen as "belonging" to Her, so there would be no concepts of human land ownership and nationality. The heavenly choirs would be all of us, living harmonically with each other, the land, and Mother Earth. We would be singing -- and zinging -- with love. In this picture, "Heaven" is here and everywhere, not just "up there".

It is becoming clear that this "heavenly" vision was my personal reality all along -- probably that is why I was drawn to the English cathedral choir tradition when I was so young, and why I've struggled to function as others do. But to this day, there is a part of me which buys into aspects of the big split: since so many places and situations don't feel harmonic to me, I dream of going where it feels more harmonic. I dream of going "home", if you will. 

So it is a good time to remind myself (and my readers) that "heavenly" starts within. Aligning with love and light starts today. Being at home starts today. It cannot wait until I'm in a better place, a more secure place, or a more beautiful place to my eyes. This is my "heavenly city" today. I don't need to "go" anywhere to access it.