Thursday, January 30, 2025

An All-Love Day

I said yesterday that yesterday would be an all-love day...that I would do everything in my power to see, feel, and hear love. Not too surprisingly, this didn't end up being completely feasible, although I did my best (!)

In Duluth, it was relatively rare to see semi-trucks. Where I lived, and in my normal round of city bus trips to supermarkets or on errands, they constituted a small percentage of the traffic around town. But here in the Capital District, they seem to be omnipresent almost everywhere. Duluth was the "end of the road" (literally, the interstate ends there!) whereas this part of the world is the hub of a wheel of highways -- toward Boston, New York, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Montreal. So trucks large and small are everywhere. I feel kind of cut off from the kind of consumerism that drives such traffic, and then, in addition, I sense (rightly or wrongly) that the truck drivers and I are coming from polar opposite ways of thinking about most things. Yesterday, the wind was wailing up to 60 mph, at times pushing heavy snow squalls. It would have been a snap to focus on the easier things to love -- the birds, the small animal life, the powerful sound of the wind, or classical music on my radio. But I found that, even though I couldn't exactly feel "loving" toward trucks or their drivers, I could feel compassion. These people are working hard in exceptionally difficult weather conditions, and I genuinely hope that they reach their destinations safely. Most days, it's even harder to "love" in the context of larger world and national events. So much is energetically the opposite of love that I just can't seem to reach a place of compassion. The best I can do is a form of acceptance, that certain people are what they are, given the skills and inclinations they were born with, and the roles they are destined to play at this moment in history. 

One thing I am finding, is that I LOVE writing here almost every day (four or five days a week rather than one or two) so I'll keep doing this for the foreseeable future, whenever possible. Flowing with the stream of love...