Dear ones:
As one astonishing, jaw-dropping event follows another, please remember this. There are other ways of creating, above and beyond the fear-based ways that have been used traditionally and the even more fearful solutions that may be offered in upcoming weeks.
When Love is the currency, there are ways of feeding, housing, healing, supporting, educating, and otherwise embracing ourselves, the earth, and our families and communities. But it will look very different than anything we have seen before.Try to see through the eyes of Love today, and imagine what Love would look like in the errand you run, and the food you cook, and at your job, and getting a book out of the library, and driving on the highway. Feel what Love feels like, and try to get used to the feeling. Hear what Love sounds like, and listen for its unique melody.
A day of snow, a five-inch or so blanket covering everything. Birds scrambling and scraping their claws to wipe the snow off their bird seed, noisy plows going by, semi trucks honking their horns, crows cawing. Very strong winds due soon, which may create white-out conditions. Challenge for today, can I feel love for loud vehicles? Can I wish for safety for the drivers? Can I love the wind when I'm on a walk and feel it coming through my coat? Can Love be my reality for a full day?