Thursday, January 23, 2025

Goddess Words 37: Aquarius

Back on January 12 of 2017, I wrote a post about Aquarius which said most of what I might have been tempted to say today. So you might wish to go back and read that essay. Interestingly enough, that was written eight years ago plus about ten days, at a roughly parallel moment in history. Why would this astrological sign have seemed so important then -- and now? And why (back in the early 2000's) did I consider "Aquarius" to be a Goddess word? 

I sense we have been transitioning to the Age of Aquarius for some time now, perhaps even since the 1960's and the memorable song. The exact dates are irrelevant, however. Basically, it is about the transition from a more duality-driven human experience to a more unified, love-driven one. Actual love, not simply lip service. As shocking, horrifying, as the events in front of us may be, they are what I've expected for a long time, people incapable of genuine love "wigging out" in front of our very eyes. We must stay calm and fearless. Love will not protect us from harm or even so-called death, but there is no death in the divine mind and Love will live on. Earth's future will be more unified and time.

Perhaps it is no accident that most of the most spiritual women I have known (spiritual in a new age or Goddess-centered way) were born under the sun sign of Aquarius, as I was, or had Aquarius moon or rising signs. People born of this sign seem to have an unusual ability to see beyond actuality, and into the realm of divine potential. Does that mean that we "are" the Goddess, or that we are special, or need to be revered? No. Just that we have gifts that may be crucial in upcoming years; many of us have a valuable capacity for alignment with the Divine Feminine. There are so many of us worldwide -- the return of the Goddess is the wave of many, many human women reaching their spiritual potentials. It won't be an individual woman's astrological sign that is important, but the energetic nature of the new age of "harmony and understanding". It is about all of us fully allowing ourselves to be that energy.