Wednesday, September 2, 2015


For several nights, there were huge numbers of dragonflies up here in Northern New York.  They didn’t seem like average dragonflies – they were huge, at least five inches across, and there were swarms of them.  And yet suddenly yesterday they were gone.  A quick search of the internet tells me that this happened earlier in the summer in Chicago and elsewhere. 

Of course, I wanted to remind myself of the meaning of dragonflies, and consulted my book Medicine Cards, by Jamie Sams and David Carson (1988.)  They say that “Dragonfly Medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary façade we accept as physical reality…Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world.” There was this very quality to these swarms, kind of a sense that these animal beings were rising up from the river of life to bring us a message, and then move on.  Their deep green/blue/black color was magical, mystical.  They made literal magic of an already beautiful landscape, and yet they also made you wonder what is beyond that landscape, if this is all illusion. Could there be something even more beautiful, more profound?

Each of us seeing these creatures had an opportunity to discern what individual message they were bringing.  For me, it was simply, “there is something more going on here than meets the eye.”  And now that the dragonflies are gone, I miss them!