Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New School Year

OK, it seems strange to be talking about a school year at my age, but it is fall, and life always seems to start over again even when you are no longer in a classroom.  In the classroom of life, what will I learn this year?  Who will be my teachers? What are my classes? 

The theme among so many of my friends is, "home."  We all seem to experiencing various permutations on it, but finding a home, selling a home, moving to a new place -- all of us seem to be looking at the 60's and trying to figure out where to spend it most constructively.  And there are people all over the world -- voluntarily or not -- focused on the same theme.

That's the course I'm majoring in this year...and I look forward to great teachers and fellow students!  I don't expect it to be a cinch, but when learning is the goal, it's hard to fail...