Tuesday, September 29, 2015


OK, so I guess it isn’t surprising that, at a big life transition, one might need some inspiration. 

But what always surprises me (but shouldn’t) is the synchronicity in these moments.  A life coach friend has just lent me a book which, based only on the first pages of the introduction, feels like it will revolutionize my life.  I had to take an hour to absorb only five pages or so, but I’m now so excited about this author’s infectious energy that I cannot wait to make my way through the entire book and its exercises. Called “The Fire Starter Sessions: a Soulful and Practical Guide to Creating Success on your own Terms,” it’s by life coach Danielle Laporte and it was published in 2012 by Crown Archetype, New York.

Here are just a few standout sentences:

“You become a trailblazer by virtue of being your genuine self.  It is that simple – and that profound.” (xiii)

“Sometimes the courage to be true to yourself comes in the form of an out-loud declaration, a rebellion, or a love-drenched vow... authenticity is the muscle that helps you shake up beliefs, policies, and restraints, and gives you the strength to do the things some say can’t be done.” (xv)

“Your way. Slightly reckless, downright defiant, uncharted, seat-of-the-pants, make it up as you go, not a leg to stand on, what will your mother say?” (xix)

Goodness, that last sentence summarizes my whole adult life, odd, considering I was the most conventional, play-by-the-rules young girl, and that my passion is something practically medieval.  I have to love anyone who helps me see my uncharted, bushwhacking path in a whole new, positive light! 

There are three or four blog essays lined up on my computer…I am falling behind because I’m living somewhere where my computer and the wi-fi don’t seem to completely communicate.  But I bless the fact that I finally have a computer, and access to wi-fi (no matter how wobbly), so as odd as it seems, I’m really moving forward!  And I have a funny feeling that my path took a little detour simply so I could be introduced to this book.  I’ll let you know down the road if there are any more brilliant “zingers” and what they are the catalyst for.