Thursday, December 31, 2015


During these last 48 hours or so of 2015, two words have been on my mind: “love” and “gratitude.”   There’s a lot more to say on both counts, and that will have to wait for next year!

For now, I just celebrate the fact that I think under the radar, these two qualities have actually gained in power and visibility in the world.  If our feet seem to be unsteady, on shifting sands, it may be that there is literally an eruption of love rumbling around, trying to break through the surface.  There are so many extraordinary humans on this planet, doing amazing, love-and-passion-filled things, and our condition keeps evolving and blossoming. I think more people than ever feel the awe and thankfulness of being alive, and are celebrating life in new ways.  Let’s not ever lose sight of the miracle of that, even when things sadden, frighten, or worry us.
As for me, my overriding emotion today is gratitude.  I think I'll look back on 2015 as the year I was really born, when I finally had the courage to speak. This is the year when I found my inner home and started to believe I am worthy of an outer one. This is the year when I really began to understand what love is, and how to focus only on it. This is the year when I began to grasp my calling. This is the year when all the scattered puzzle pieces finally came back into one picture.  For the first time, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I can hold an energy of alignment in the face of any challenge.  I have a long way to go in learning to express love and in learning to embrace it.  And I have a long way to go in learning to give and become grounded.  But with all its twists and turns, I wouldn’t trade 2015 for anything.  Many of you have taught me a lot -- a profound thank you!

Now, 2016!  Have a wonderful new year, everyone!