Friday, September 30, 2016

This week

Do you ever have one of those weeks where, even though things don't seem to have changed much, superficially, you have a hunch they are changing at a deep level? This was one of those weeks for me. I'm sure seeing old friends helped, and just becoming a bit more confident in my unique approach to life, which seems to be the only one I'm capable of doing...

Little moments. On my travels, I met a young lady from England. Whether she was traveling or she lives here, I don't know. I did my usual, "Where are you from?" thing, and it turned out to be the part of the country I know the best. Her face lit up when she realized I genuinely knew England, had studied there, etc., and I realized that it had really made her day to meet me and vice versa. We both walked away from the two-minute encounter knowing that we were less alone. Sometimes our "career" is connecting unexpectedly, as a compassionate human being.

Then to add to that, I have learned about not one, but two very young American women and a young English woman who have made some strides in English church music. They are all 35 to 40 years younger than I am, but at least for them, pursuing an active role will not be out of the question. Is it a bittersweet feeling? Sure, but mostly sweet. I am so proud of them. I am so proud of me. I suspect we are all playing the roles we were meant to.

Lastly, I've had the opportunity to do a small-ish proofreading/editing job, the first I've ever done online, not using red pen on paper. I feel confident and just love the fact that I was asked. I'm good at this. And I think they knew I would be, which means the world when you've been cobbling together your life from everything from housecleaning to data entry. My brain is doing a happy dance!

New moon, new month. May the threads of life start coming together for all of us!