Monday, September 26, 2016


I am left rather speechless about tonight's debate. I don't know that I can watch. In fact, I am quite sure I will not.

I think we are being given an intensive course in law of attraction, one of the precepts of being that what you focus on, grows, negative or positive. Indeed, I think the hardest hurdle to get over when you start to accept law of attraction is training yourself to think and look only at the positive qualities that you seek -- for yourself or for the world. I seek love. I seek community. I seek beauty. I seek peace. I seek respect. I seek acceptance. I seek tranquility.

If I felt I would see (and hear) only these qualities during the debate, I might tune in, but this seems unlikely. Indeed, anticipation of a bruising fight may be what is generating all the "buzz." So tonight at 9 PM eastern, I will meditate, journal, paint a painting of a sunrise, or even sleep, to try to carve out the kind of world I am looking for. Blessings on us all.