Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day 2022

Back on February 15, 2017, I wrote a post about Valentine's Day, every word of which is still applicable now. Check it out. (Sorry to be so low-tech, but I cannot figure out exactly how to add links on my new computer, and I guess I am staying rather deliberately Stone Age.) 

I thought I would add two things today. The first is that the kind of love I am talking of in recent posts, "the only power in the Universe" kind of love, both is and isn't the hearts-and-flowers/relationship love celebrated (to a small degree) in our culture. I mean, that's part of what love is, but probably the tip of the iceberg. And because our duality paradigm tends to present "love" as constantly at odds with fear and hatred, it is hard for us to wrap our heads around a scenario of an entire Universe filled only with love. Our brains and hearts cut love short, turn it around and focus it on something to fight, and we can't feel the expansiveness of the whole. If I have any sense of it at all, it is still my brain that "gets" it more than my heart, but this is slowly changing.

Despite this lifetime having been rather empty of one-on-one love and romance, I feel increasingly as if it is something I did experience in at least one earlier lifetime, and this kind of serious, committed relationship isn't at all unimportant or superficial. At some point in one's string of lifetimes, it may be the best way to learn about divine love, one wide, glorious doorway to it. Will I circle around again? I hope so, before too long. But in the meantime, today, I love that I am sheltered, fed, warm, and healthy, and that I have friends. In whatever form love visits you today, may it be a beautiful experience.