Saturday, February 26, 2022

Embody Her

It is completely heartbreaking to see the news footage of the Ukraine capital today, in contrast with three days ago. Then: people were relatively upbeat, hoping that nothing would happen, trying to get on with their lives. Now: people sheltering in the subways, columns of women holding small children and pulling roller bags, walking west to anywhere, anywhere safer than home. The model of men (mostly) fighting and women (mostly) caring for children and the infirm is archaic and breathtakingly painful. Have we really not outgrown this paradigm yet? Where are people to go? Already, families have broken into a million pieces. Already, an entire country may have all but collapsed. 

An interviewed Ukrainian said, "The lesson of history is that we don't learn the lessons of history." The wisdom of the streets. In so many respects, I feel like I am watching the opening salvos of World Wars One and Two, only with modern technology. We see with our own eyes, in real time, the kinds of events that in older eras might have taken days or weeks to reach across the Atlantic. This isn't dry prose or statistics on the page, or film footage a day or a month later. This is immediate feedback. We see -- and many are empathetic enough to feel -- the agony in people's faces, the tears, the incomprehension. It's like we are being given what may end up being the last opportunity in "his-story" to fully accept our oneness with those under attack in wartime, and to finally "get" war's total futility.  

Yet, at this moment when earth and all her inhabitants are transitioning to a higher spiritual realm, figuring out how to respond is tricky. "Fight" (fear and conflict) will only beget more fear and conflict. "Flight" -- pretending that it isn't happening and plowing ahead with a consumer-driven life of self-gratification -- is immoral, and it simply won't be an option for very long. These traditional paths are all the duality construct offers us, and they almost guarantee never-ending war, Orwell-style. 

The third way is to pick up the lost thread of the divine feminine, and Embody Her. The cards I chose yesterday were "The Green Woman"/Goddess and "The Sweat Lodge"/travel to the heart of the divine mother. I'm leaving them out on my table for a while, to remind myself that my only goal, from this day forward, is to be Her. To create within my body and aura at least one little space where there is no war of any kind. No conflict of any kind. It is a space of beauty and life, expansiveness and joy, truth and compassion. A space where people in pain are embraced. A place where, in my own way, I completely honor nature. A place where the only power is love. I can create that space wherever I am, whatever I am doing, even half a planet away from Ukraine, and even if I seem to be doing nothing special.  Embodying Her is a harmonic and energetic third way. I guess you could say that it is now, and perhaps always was, "The Liz Path".