Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Liminal Times

I use words like "liminal", "portal", and "transitional" a lot. It seems like I have spent most of my life in this state, between realities, between countries, between duality polarities. I used to refer to the horizon line, and being near Lake Superior again may be part of the catalyst to the current intensity of this feeling. 

There was a reference on the news this morning to the number of jobs that will be lost to artificial intelligence in the not-too-distant future. And yet, here's little old me, still stunned that humanity has completely leap-frogged over women's intelligence, women's ways of knowing, in its race to the future. I guess I get "why" -- truly incorporating women's perspectives would have slowed the process way down, and changed its essence. 

But how will people consistently access the electric power necessary for this technology when increasing numbers of storms take communities offline? If we make earth unlivable, what good will this artificial "intelligence" be? Should we not have made a better effort to understand Nature's needs and wisdom along the way?

Meanwhile, there is so much evidence of people becoming more loving, more sensitive, more creative, and more empathetic -- at the very moment when more and more people seem to be becoming less of all the above. Trying to stay calm and centered in the middle of so many moving forces is a challenge. We are transitioning into an unprecedented kind of time, and holding one's energy stable -- not being reactive -- feels crucial.

Where I am currently living, there is a lovely dog who has, up till now, stayed rather aloof from me. But she has begun to warm up. When you are a gypsy, you cannot own a pet, but I've had a few "step-dogs", and that animal love is precious in these liminal times.