Friday, March 24, 2023

Things are moving

Well, you have to say this about this current moment. Things are moving.

I'll start inwards and move outwards. I had an appointment with my healer yesterday, and clearly a lot of old stuff was unleashed, because I slept like a log from 9 pm last night to 6 am this morning. Stuck energies within me seem to have started moving.

The unfortunate thing about such a deep sleep is that evidently I missed quite a display of northern lights last night. They were so bright and active that even people in the city could see them through city lights. Tonight I plan to check the skies before I go to bed, and if it is clear and cold, stay up for a while to see if there is another display. The constant movement of northern lights is almost addictive; once you see them, you don't want to pull your eyes away. It is like a sparkling, electric waterfall in the sky.

March 23rd was notable, too, because early in the morning, I heard Duluth's Aerial Lift Bridge horn, and a responding boat's horn. The Paul R. Tregurtha left Duluth -- the first ship of the season. I think several vessels are due to arrive today. Hearing those horns is such an important thread in the weave of life here...the winter freeze seems all the worse for the silence. When you finally hear the "long-short-short" call again for the first time (usually late March or April), you rejoice. It's like our city's own "Hallelujah Chorus". About five inches of snow fell Wednesday, but it was wet, heavy, and impossible to shovel. Thankfully, at this time of year, there is "light at the end of the tunnel" (so much for trying to avoid overused cliches!) Even if we move higher on the list of all-time snowiest Duluth winters, surely, by May 1st, we will be well on the way to losing most of our snowpack.

I won't say anything about all the movement happening in the world. There's a lot of it, most of it guaranteed to cause extreme anxiety and pain. But finally I have figured out how to express what it's all about. We are being given the opportunity to align with the more love-filled energies that are suffusing all of us, our physical earth home, and the entire universe. People who cannot do that alignment are likely to wig out. The rest of us? We do our best to get into this new, higher flow, and move with it. The key is, "our best." This is an unprecedented leap upwards for the whole interconnected system, and it's OK to feel like there is no instruction manual. There isn't. Every day, just let go of the shoreline, and flow in the direction of something you love. Move with love, not against anything else.