Saturday, March 4, 2023


I was potentially wrong about something, and the following is written in the spirit of acknowledging when that the week or so since our big storm, which sent huge waves crashing into Park Point and winter surfers out into the water, the weather has stayed rather calm, and some light ice cover has formed here at the end of the lake. It's pretty fragile, and the next few days will get into the 30's. The wind is also due to come up it's unlikely to stay put or solidify. But it was humbling to make a blog pronouncement about lack of ice on the lake, only to look out the next morning and on the lake. But it does rather illustrate the whole point about Nature being in charge!

Yesterday, I went with a friend to a restaurant, one of the few times I have done so yet since the pandemic. It still doesn't feel quite comfortable for me, especially as I still wear a mask on city buses and in grocery stores, etc. With my income, eating out is a treat, not the norm...having largely been deprived of this treat for three years, what can I say? It was delightful, more so because I had a belated celebratory birthday cocktail, another rare treat. I had walked out the door wearing nice earrings and lip gloss, without my signature "bag lady" grocery bags, and darn it, it was just nice to feel a little bit special, beautiful, and worthy of good things.

Came home to the bro-ha-ha over the latest crime/trial sensation out of South Carolina. You know which one I am talking about. Once again, I was struck by the odd thing about American life. Often it seems like dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of people are employed to deal with criminals -- from police and their scientific/crime scene support, to the legal system (attorneys, paralegals and other firm staff, the prison system), to the media (including podcasts and TV true crime series and Hollywood), to book authors, psychologists, the list goes on and on...yet those of us who are harmless -- even, arguably "good" human beings -- don't attract attention, create jobs, inspire made-for-TV movies. "Goodness" doesn't make money in quite the same way, or isn't "supported" in the same way...Hmm...

Thankful to be in a relatively temperate spot on a relatively quiet weekend. Many people don't have that luxury today. My heart goes out to them.