Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fun Project

It's a little belated to be making this recommendation, but better late than never.  I signed up a year or two ago for the notes from the Universe, which are truly wonderful, day after day.  Encouraging and fun.  Well, their creator, Mike Dooley, is in the midst of something called the "Infinite Possibilities Project," a step-by-step, day-by-day process of starting the year 2016 off in the direction of your dreams.  Sometimes I feel like I've done these things till my eyes are crossed, so I waited a few days to see if it would be helpful, and it has been.  Enormously so.  You have to sign up for the daily notes in order to take part in it (they're free, how wonderful!) but definitely check it out!  The daily processes are quite short, so it would be easy to get caught up.  I'll report in soon about where it's taking me...