Wednesday, January 13, 2016


A friend just observed that I am apologizing less and less often.  This is huge progress, and I am so thankful for it.  This has been a lifelong habit, almost "addiction," and it wasn't of the British-style "Sorry! could you repeat what you said? I didn't hear you" variety.  Deep down, it was of the "I really should not be taking up space on the planet" variety, something no one should ever, ever feel.

All of us who are here are meant to be here.  All of us have value.  All of us are meant to be happy, to be powerful, and to thrive.  And whatever our unique gift, it is here for a reason.  If I have stopped apologizing so much, it is not by trying to "stop."  It is because of openly trying to "start" being who I am really meant to be.  If you share this affliction, I hold in the light the gradual unfolding of the real you!  Let's rock it today!