Friday, January 29, 2016

What a January

What a month this has been!  I suspect that when I look back in the future, it will stand out big-time.

First of all, that sense of “feeling” the love of the Universe has stayed with me since the other day, and how appreciative I am. It’s interesting to take a quick scan of sixty years: my first twenty-five years were immersed in the glorious words and music (but distant God) of The Book of Common Prayer.  I cleared the decks, and for at least another twenty-five, I wandered in the proverbial desert and tried, willy-nilly, to connect with any existential meaning I could find.  Around ten years ago, I discovered the law of attraction, and resonated increasingly with this articulation of a magnetic, loving Source but it was all kind of intellectual.  Now, finally, I’m a mere three days into feeling that love, and, hey, if that’s the path I needed to take, it was all worth it.  It makes me laugh that it took coming almost full circle and channeling the energy of a gaggle of heroic, medieval Julian of Norwich-style mystics and queens, who seem to be communicating the energetic equivalent of “You go, girl!”  I suppose all of us have a unique cheering section somewhere up there in the stars, but it’s like a radio station, until you tune into the right one for you, it’s all static.  Anyway, glad to have these wonderful women on board!
Another focus this week was my reaction to a media reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  You know the concept, that humans are motivated first to fill basic needs of housing, food, etc., and once those are met, we can move up the ladder to love, increasingly fulfilling work, recognition, then (all the other steps having been successfully achieved) finally self-actualization and connectedness with the Divine.  I’ll spare you the lengthy deconstruction (there’s nothing I do better than picking apart old paradigms!)  Let’s just say that this model has never worked for me.  Whenever I have tried to focus on securing basic needs in a traditional way, all I’ve managed to create was, yup, basic neediness. Law of attraction works so well! I question whether this model, created in the aftermath of the Great Depression, is still valid at all in these fast-paced times, but particularly for us right brain/creative/mystical types. The Liz model wouldn’t be hierarchical at all; it would be a circle with the individual aligned with their power source in the center, from which they would attract their best “work/expressive” opportunities, respect, love, and basic necessities. Just putting it out there…

Lastly, thanks to the Tut “Infinite Possibilities 30-Day Project,” which brought some focus to a process that I had already started on my own.  I have been writing intensively, “creating” a scenario where I am living in the optimum place for my interests, busy, abundant, healthy, learning, singing, thinking, writing, working, growing, loving and totally alive.  I can describe this life with such amazing clarity that it almost feels like it has been in place all along.  According to the New Physics, perhaps it has been.  Actually, I could have described it to a tee 40 years ago, but I just didn’t believe I had the power, the access to the power, or the worthiness to permanently live the life that was right for me.  That is shifting. Wow.
February 2016?  Can’t wait!  Seriously.  Let’s all keep going, friends!