Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Another soft-ish landing

As is so often the case, this isn't exactly the post I intended to write today. The one I wrote in my head in the middle of the night was inspired by the fact that yesterday, I thought my computer had completely died. I hadn't used it on Christmas Day, and yesterday morning, I got up early and answered some important emails, checked the weather, etc.  Then I put it into sleep mode, cleaned the woodstove, gathered some new wood, and put birdfeed into the feeder. When I came back, nothing seemed to be working, the screen, the touch pad, control-alt-delete,  escape, even the on-off button. I ended up listening to the fan whir until the battery died, and blessed it and wrote it off as dead. People always talk about Mercury retrograde (which we are in) being hard on electronics, and I figured my well-worn computer had succumbed.

This morning, I decided to plug in the charger and just see...after 45 minutes, I turned on the "on" button, and lo and behold, here we are. It is working. It's a Christmas miracle, literally, because I had walked through a whole process of letting go, talking myself into envisioning a newer computer, accepting a better reality that better suits my needs, and I never despaired or freaked out. This may only be a reprieve, and overall it is time for a brand new (not six or seven year old) machine, but somehow facing the reality calmly led to a soft-ish landing. And as you know, I am the Queen of those.

I had so many other things on my mind, but I think I won't press my luck today. I'll just express my gratitude that there's a little life in the old girl yet. My computer and I have something in common.