Monday, December 12, 2016


I struggled a bit starting this, not because there is too little to say, but potentially too much. In the end, I'm trying to at least embrace the fascination of living in a moment where the "dramatic structure" (I didn't know until now that it is called "Freytag's analysis") is so perfectly embodied. When I taught at the community college and my class discussed a short story, I would grab a piece of white chalk and draw a pyramid-like shape on the board, reminding students that in any story, book, movie, TV show or play, the background or context is presented, then there is a rising tide of complication and conflict, leading to a climax, crisis, or turning point, followed by a denoument, or resolution. However, never in my life have I "felt" the steep slope of the pyramid so very sharply in real world events.

There are still so many potential outcomes to this drama that prediction, while an interesting intellectual exercise, is probably unwise. What I keep holding onto is this: historically, have there ever been so many humans aligned or aligning with love and interconnectedness in a genuine, beautiful way? I doubt it. That fact won't forestall the turning point, but it may make for a softer, less painful "landing." For the foreseeable future, my prayer every morning will be, please help me to operate from a place of love. May my small little energy send out positive ripples, today. Just today.