Thursday, March 23, 2017

More Results

One of the gifts of writing this blog is that it can be like opening that old box in the basement. First, you flip through it and exclaim, "I didn't know I still had that!" and do a superficial sort. Then, you really examine each book, or read some of the letters, or do a more comprehensive job of reorganizing.

Here, when I "unpack" (I'm not really fond of this new usage, but it seems apt here) an idea in one blog, a more comprehensive analysis takes place in the intervening day or days and I sometimes can't help but return to it. Thus, today, some more thoughts about "results." I mean who, in the end, is the arbiter of what life "results" are successful or effective? What values do they represent?

I was thinking that if I were to create my own community, about five major qualities or goals would be its centerpiece (and this will come as no surprise to anyone who has been reading The Liz Path...)
  • A focus on individual spiritual growth and wisdom
  • Support for mystics and creators of beauty; musicians, visual artists, writers, dancers, playwrights, craftspeople...
  • Support for education, educators, and higher education (exploration of the human condition of the past and future in the humanities and sciences)
  • Loving and creative community-building
  • The honoring of Mother Earth and the feminine principle in all its forms
So does that mean there would be no role for industry, technology, consumerism, the economy, medicine or the law? No, but they would be the "servants" of the above qualities, and be part of a context of promoting wisdom, beauty, education, love and protecting the environment. What about war and protecting people from terrorism? Way low on the list, because a new societal focus would probably lead to less fear and violence. It wouldn't be a case of disrespecting those with military gifts, or of slashing law and order arbitrarily from the budget. It is just that the need to "fight" would gradually diminish over time.

Of course, the beauty is that probably very few people share the same highest priorities. Each of you reading this might craft a very different list. That's the challenge, isn't it? With seven billion people on the planet and counting, how does any given country's priorities embrace the exuberant abundance of human expression? I guess the only thing I can think of is, respect. A "balanced" budget would literally spread resources across the spectrum, respecting that artists must do art, and musicians must do music, teachers must teach, and scientists must do science. Healers must heal, merchants must sell, and caretakers must care. And yes, the warriors among us must fight or protect others. If budgets included the resources for each citizen to have a realistic chance at "successful results" in their field, wouldn't it be interesting to see how our world would change for the better?

Lastly, needless to say my heart is in London today. But I was kind of sorry to see a "We are not afraid" icon making the rounds. Oh no, dear people, don't even focus attention on fear as it will draw more to fear. How about, "We are strong, united, loving and free"? Or words to that effect...