Saturday, March 18, 2017

Thank you, bird

This is a really hard moment to continue believing that there is only one active "power" in the world, Love. The examples and policies of non-Love springing up before our eyes are so epic, so horrifying, that I go back to the word I've used before. Breathtaking. It literally and figuratively takes your breath away. Which is what non-Love specializes in.

I'm not going to talk about it all this morning except to remind myself of the Abraham-Hicks rule of thumb; when we are faced with "contrast" (what we don't want), we are given a great opportunity to articulate and focus on what we do want. I truly believe that the vast majority of people in America and around the world want to live in peace, to live collaboratively and comfortably with people of all backgrounds, and to be guided by wise and equitable leaders. But I cannot speak for the world. All I can do is say, "this is what I want."

This cold 6 degree F morning, as I look out at piles of snow nearly six feet tall, I hear, not a "dawn chorus," but just one bird. One very spring-like sounding bird. I cannot identify it, but the sound has immediately transported me south to a warmer climate. This one bird is singing "spring" despite all evidence around it to the contrary. Thank you, bird.