Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, Monday

I took my own advice this weekend, and just kept trying to come back to breathing, patting myself on the back that I am still alive. When you are living in someone’s spare room with your three or four decent shirts on white plastic hangers hanging from the bookshelf, and your box of books, and $25 to your name, and a temp job starting in a week for which you won’t be paid for three weeks, it’s a bloody miracle that you’re alive. Believe me, every time I walk by a homeless woman, I do kind of a Buddhist bow, because I am them. Not, “this close” to being them. I am them. And despite the positive spin I make every effort to put on it, I have been them for decades. I just haven’t found a place in this paradigm. For some reason, yesterday was particularly hard. It isn’t just my so-called “reality.” It is the knowledge that somewhere deep in my heart, I know that this extraordinary anglophile, feminist, futurist, evensong-singing, wise woman Smith/ULondon/Parsons grad is worthy of support, respect, and a real life. It’s the absurd chasm that drives me crazy, not the ramen noodles.

So, just to show the Universe I haven’t given up, I decided to join a French conversation group at the local library yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, once I got to the library, I learned that it was in fact not meeting again until early September. So I’m, like, OK, God/Goddess/Universe/Source (I’ve decided to call it “GUS” for short), OK GUS, I didn’t walk a mile through 90% humidity, being dive bombed by air show fighter jets for nothing. Please, please help me put my hands on a book that will help me at least get through another 24 hours.

What is the first book to greet me when I walked up to the “self-help” section, but Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map?! Those of you who have followed my blog from the start know that I encountered her The Fire Starter Sessions at the end of last year, and that book was an enormous fire starter. I know I wouldn’t be as unashamedly clear on who I am right now, and as willing to speak more and more openly in this blog, if it were not for that book. That she would show up in my life right now is no surprise. Because after enthusiastically starting down this new stretch of river early in 2016, it has become clear that my boat is dragging its anchor along the bottom, and I really haven’t made a whole lot of headway. What is the anchor?  That “no matter what I do in life, what I do or do not ‘accomplish,’ or how good I am as a person, the people around me won’t care. The world isn’t going to care. The Universe isn’t going to care. I will remain invisible and unsupported.” That’s a pretty heavy anchor. That’s a pretty heavy belief.

I could, of course, spend years parsing that one, and I may do eventually, but clearly I don’t have the time right this minute. I’ve only skimmed through LaPorte’s book, but once again I am struck by her (to me) radical message: to move forward, don’t focus on goals. Focus on feelings. Feelings and desire are life.

For today, I am simply going to meditate on this, page 101:
“Decide to Rise.

Lean in. Listen up. Closely.
It’s your Soul speaking, and she says,

Get UP!

I need you

I want you

I am you

Choose me.

Lean in.

Listen up.


Decide to Rise.”

OK, Soul. I sure hope you are friends with GUS. On this Monday, I have decided to rise. Thank you, thank you for this particular book at this particular moment. Clearly you do care.