Do I now regret my decision not to march? Some of the photographs on social media have made me regret it a little, photos of entire planes full of smiling women heading to Washington, a picture of a little girl with a sign reading, "I'm a girl. What's your superpower?", and the amazing video of a street full of marchers respectfully singing our National Anthem as it was being played on the carillon at St. Thomas Fifth Avenue, New York. The latter has had me in tears. There's a patchwork quilt of the millions of experiences and impressions of January 21, 2017 big enough to warm us all.
So it is that my patch is a little different. I am so not comfortable in crowds. I knew in my heart that even one of the more modest marches would have been more than my poor little claustrophobic self could have taken. If I were a mom or a grandmother, or had had a cadre of people to hold hands with, perhaps I might have done it simply to have a shared experience with younger women. If I had had a car, the money to get to one of the big marches, if, if, the end, this twelfth house Aquarian mystic just needed to do it her quiet way, and it was fine. I started Saturday in the chapel of a retreat center. I'm not big on prayer, but I prayed for a peaceful day all over the world. I rejoiced in my freedom to do something a bit different, and to hold a specific energy. I read, I slept, I wrote, and I ate. I had a few important epiphanies which will undoubtedly make their way into this blog. In the end, I felt very much a part of it all. I'm proud of all of us who intersected respectfully with Saturday on any level, and it has helped me start to snap out of a prolonged low season. I feel quite energized.