Thursday, January 19, 2017


Back when I taught at the community college, I had many students -- male and female -- who had had extraordinarily difficult lives. Sometimes we had occasion to discuss a story or philosophical issue that lent itself to considering the hero's journey, and the heroine's (which can be more of an inner, rather than outer, "fight the dragons" one). I would urge students to think of themselves as the heroes of their own epic journey. What would the fairy tale version be like?

If this isn't an epic moment, I don't know what is. I would be utterly beside myself if I didn't believe that many of us out here are as "epic" and "heroic" as, if not more so than, the scenario playing itself out in front of us. For the moment, I address this primarily to my female readers: this weekend, whatever you are doing (marching, sitting in silence, caring for children or ageing adults, grading papers, singing, painting, cleaning house) -- hold your head high. You are the heroine of your journey at an absolutely extraordinary moment. You are my heroine. Something has come into the open that we didn't expect, and slowly, steadily and organically, we will walk through and beyond it. We will gain courage from each other's heroism.

I'll be on retreat until Monday noon. I'll plan to check in again by Tuesday. Courage, all.