Thursday, January 12, 2017

Age of Aquarius

The 5th Dimension song from 1967 is on my mind again. I referred to it back on May 31, but in the last few days it has returned, big-time. For the record, I just about missed the "hippie" era, being a little bit too young. That year, I was 11. I wasn't a radical. I didn't march. And I didn't take drugs, ever. Seriously! I didn't listen to the songs of the sixties from some kind of hazy fog. This was an ultra-serious, ultra-studious, goody-two-shoes eleven-year-old girl, listening to a transistor radio. Lyrics like "harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions..." and "love is all you need" just simply resonated. My astrological sun sign is Aquarius, and so I think my interpretation was that the world being described was my world, the only reality. That was the kind of world I wanted to live in. It still is.

I gather that there is quite a bit of discord in astrological circles about when the Piscean Age will end and the Aquarian one will begin, if it hasn't happened already. (Not being an astrologer, I don't know enough to weigh in.) And what we are seeing in front of us seems to be such a complete reproach to "harmony and understanding," that right now, the song just seems almost ridiculous. This may be why so many of us in my generation are feeling so devastated. But I continue to believe that humanity is heading into ("transitioning," to use the term I used yesterday) an age where those peace-filled qualities are more the norm. I believe that before too long, there simply will not be room for people and institutions that are such a gross energetic mismatch to love. Their current expression/manifestation literally has no future. This thought is keeping me relatively calm. This thought helps me keep my hand on the tiller of my little boat.

"Let the sun shine in" today.