Saturday, January 28, 2017


Yeah, and not in a good way. I feel like I have aged several decades in seven small days. The positive thing about this is that I know I am not alone. In an odd way, I feel less alone right now than I have in decades. The veneer I personally shed over twenty years ago, the veneer of "hey, I have it together, I 'get' this paradigm and love being part of it," seems to be cracking right and left. You can almost hear it, can't you?

This is when I am so thankful for the words of Florence Scovell Shinn. In The Game of Life and How to Play It, she wrote:

"Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the 'army of aliens' which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, 'darkest before the dawn.'
A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.
Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious and 'error is exposed' to be put out.
This is the time when one must make his [her] affirmations of truth repeatedly, and rejoice and give thanks that he [she] has already received."

I believe this is what we are now seeing on the collective level. In recent years, more humans than ever have reached high levels of personal spiritual consciousness, and old non-love people and paradigms are literally being shaken out of the woodwork. They are scared, angry, and making a huge ruckus, one that may continue for quite some time. May I never make the mistake of believing that the cacophony is "about" the "error." It isn't.

Periodically I receive a newsletter from author and speaker Charles Eisenstein. He put it really brilliantly: "The revolution is love." Yes, yes it is. let us hold onto that this weekend.