Friday, January 13, 2017

Remarkable Women

Yesterday, I went to see the movie "Hidden Figures." I recommend it unreservedly.

At the end, I just sobbed. I wept for the pain of the indignities African-Americans had to go through in the segregated south, and still experience. I wept with pride at these three women's spunk and persistence in the face of a wall of white men in suits. I wept that ultimately, each woman used her unique genius to its fullest. I wept, wondering what that would feel like. I wept that all of them had men in their lives who loved them for the remarkable totality of who they were. I wept when the head of the space program (played by Kevin Costner) shook the hand of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), thanking her for what she did. I wept at the spiritual transformation some of the white characters went through. And I wept at the thought that in one fell swoop, we seem to have elected to regress 55 years, almost as if none of these transformations ever took place. We must, must keep in mind that they did, and that there is no reason on earth to undo them.