Monday, June 7, 2021

"Be Bold"

This morning, I heard the tiniest snippet of some news. A man said, "We need to be bold and create the jobs of the future," or words to that effect, before I cringed and turned the radio off.

It wasn't fair, and it was very uneducated of me, taking a quote so completely out of context. But all my life, phrases like "jobs of the future" have largely referred to high-tech, data-driven, fear-and-conflict-driven occupations that I, literally, could not do. Never mind the fact that my preference would have been creating beauty in an English cathedral and that perhaps I gave up too soon on that dream. The jobs I did do to survive were low-paying and, at times, humiliating. Not everyone will be able to do brilliant, exciting "jobs of the future" for a variety of reasons; to think that there won't be an ever-more-miserable group of us scrambling to barely survive is folly.

I don't know if I am "channeling" me, the Goddess, Mother Nature, or what, but I guess it is time for me to be bold and come right out and say something. 

The next decade or two is a transitional time to a different future than this expert is envisioning. Skipping over female wisdom and intelligence in the rush to create "artificial intelligence" was -- ahem -- unwise and premature. A civilization so utterly lacking in respect for nature, and for women's very different ways of knowing and working, has led to much that is impressive, flashy, even magical, and yet its arc of progress is completely unsustainable.

Waves of love and truth, long suppressed, are starting to flow around earth and through all of us. Aspects of our life based on impulses lower than love/beauty/truth/unity/joy will simply stop working. Competitive actions will stop working. "Wars" of all kinds will stop working. There will be a period of chaos; people will be infuriated that their old ways aren't working. I believe we will land in a much lower-tech reality, forced to start again, intentionally and wisely bringing both male and female intelligence to the "job" of re-creating civilization. How do you create societies based on love, acceptance, truth, unity, beauty, and genuine respect for the earth? Very carefully. Slowly. Inclusively. Sensitively.

The "jobs of the future"? Organic farming, old-fashioned building techniques, spinning, weaving...