Thursday, June 10, 2021

Strange Segue

This morning, I start with apples and move on to oranges. 

Apples. I have had a dickens of a time memorizing my new mantra, "Dignified, Imposing, Grand, and Magnificent." I hope that this isn't age-related memory loss. Indeed, I don't think it is. I think the problem is that these words have not normally been part of my vocabulary at all. In my daily round of life, I have almost never described anything as "magnificent", which is too bad since it is such a great word. But to think of myself in any of these terms is even harder. I'll continue to practice it!

Oranges. In the late 1980's, I was very influenced by Florence Scovel Shinn. Her metaphysical teachings really resonated for me, even though the turn-of-the-twentieth century prose was a little dated. I've been looking through her The Game of Life and How to Play It for something I thought that she said, "There is no death in the Divine Mind", but cannot find it. (I did find, "Germs do not exist in the superconscious or Divine Mind..." in the chapter, "Casting the Burden".) But whoever said it, I agree that in any kind of unity consciousness, a life/death duality cannot exist. If there is only one force in the universe, it can only be life. This is, and will be, an enormously hard topic to delve into in the wake of the pandemic. I have followed all the public health guidelines and had my vaccinations, and urge everyone to do so. Our scientists and medical world have worked many wonders this last year. Yet I am struck by how these institutions, so based in duality, are really antiquated in their underlying thinking. More on all this as I get the courage!